Who Is SOUL/TUMI Topeka?

Serving the urban church, The Seminary of Urban Leadership, home of TUMI Topeka and the Center for Urban Chaplaincy, trains theologically-sound, Christ-centered, Bible-based, contextually-skilled leaders who will win their cities through the victorious Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. If you train a big enough army, you can win. Let’s train a new army and win the city!

Our Pastors

SOUL is here to serve pastors as you equip leaders for the work of the Lord as part of your tradition. Through partnership with World Impact, Christian Chaplains and Coaching, and our own, locally-developed initiatives, we offer affordable seminary, chaplaincy training, and other opportunities to help your leaders both grow and reproduce other healthy, equipped servant leaders of Christ.

We know you may have multiple options for training leaders, including apprenticeships and online schools within your tradition. But if you would like your leaders to train together to serve strong in our city, we hope you will explore our local, cohort model. YOU CAN TRAIN YOUR OWN LEADERS and we can help, or you can send them to our four-year community cohort.

Or, perhaps you are interested in adding a Chaplain to your neighborhood team. We are launching a new training track in neighborhood chaplaincy and would love to talk with you about it.

We invite you to email our Director and we will set up a time to meet with you and see how we can serve you.

Featured Courses


Module 2: The Kingdom of God (Theology and Ethics Cohort)

Saturday mornings from 10-12:30

1023 SW 8th Ave

Mentor: Mary Flin

January 18- March 22

Of all the subjects preached and taught by Jesus of Nazareth, none are as significant and controversial as the Kingdom of God. Scholars agree that Jesus’ favorite subject for preaching and teaching was the Kingdom of God. The kingdom story was his salvation message, master plan, and heart theology. Allow this story to grip your heart again and to vitalize your discipleship and ministry.

Course costs: $40.00 per class, plus books (Yes! That’s all!)

(New cohort enrollments January only)

(Ask how you can begin Chaplaincy training with us beginning in March! (Required: One year of Capstone or equivalent)


Module 8:  Evangelism and Spiritual Warfare (Advancing Students)

Saturday mornings, 10-12:30

1023 SW 8th Ave

Mentor: Micaela Lillibridge

January 18-March 22

Evangelism is proclaiming and demonstrating to the world that God has visited the world in the person of Jesus of Nazareth, and that this visitation is now accompanied by liberation from the devil and from the effects of sin! To evangelize is to prophesy deliverance in Messiah Jesus.  This module covers in a broad outline the key dimensions of evangelism and spiritual warfare, including the Bible’s telling of the war of the universe that was caused by the disobedience of the devil and humankind. God's good creation was made subject to demonic powers and death, and humankind is now enslaved by selfishness, disease, alienation, and death. Through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, believers are delivered from Satan's dominion, as well as from the effects of the Curse through the power of the Spirit.

Course costs: $40.00 per class, plus books (Yes! That’s all!)

(Also offering Cornerstone 2 for Completion Students)

(Ask how you can begin Chaplaincy training with us beginning in March! (Required: One year of Capstone or equivalent)


Basic Chaplaincy

Collaborative Partnership with Christian Chaplains and Coaching

Ask us how you can be part of our first Chaplaincy Cohort beginning March 1st! Explore our collaborative partners, Christian Chaplains and Coaching, at https://christianchaplains.org/

Also coming soon, Heart of a Chaplain, by permission from author and professor Dr. Jim Browning of the Marsh Center for Chaplaincy Studies.

Chaplaincy classes average $150.

Become A Donor.

Help support the mission of TUMI Topeka through a one-time, or monthly donation.